Getting Started With CRRT
Build a CRRT program tailored for your specific ICU needs.

Building a CRRT program for your ICU
Talk to our team of clinical specialists to explore your options to build a CRRT program and discover why we will be your trusted expert and partner throughout the process.
Helping you every step of the way
A successful CRRT program starts with a CRRT champion or committee and incorporates several key elements.11
We are here to help step by step, as you:
Step 1. Secure the devices and solutions you need
Step 2. Create policies to manage therapy
Step 3. Create standardized protocols for CRRT in your ICU
Step 4. Educate and train your physicians and nurses
Step 5. Monitor patient data to adjust therapy
A podcast to help you get started
So many questions arise when starting to think about adding a CRRT program to your ICU. In a podcast developed in collaboration with KDIGO, listen to two experts discuss relevant parameters for when to offer, start, and stop CRRT therapy in critically ill patients.
Important Safety Information
The Prismaflex and PrisMax Systems are intended for:
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) for patients weighing 20 kilograms or more with acute renal failure and/or fluid overload.
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) therapy for patients weighing 20 kilograms or more with diseases where fluid removal of plasma components is indicated.
Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.
Vantive, Prismaflex and PrisMax are trademarks of Vantive Health LLC or its affiliates.
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