The MARS System
Support for critically ill patients
The MARS System, in combination with the Prismaflex System, works to support the removal of harmful drugs and poisons from patients experiencing overdose or poisoning.
The system removes protein-bound and water-soluble toxins from the blood, such as ammonia, urea and aromatic amino acids.1 It thus reduces the amounts of toxins that reach the brain and are responsible for the development of hepatic encephalopathy (HE).2
Compatible Products
Acute Therapy Systems
CRRT Solutions
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When a patient comes in from a drug overdose or from a poison that’s killing the liver cells, albumin dialysis using the MARS therapy helps me to stabilize my patient, and gives them the chance to recover. If you have a dialysis service, you can have MARS up and running very easily.
Tarek Hassanein, MD
Established first MARS program in the US; over 500 patients treated with MARS
Important Safety Information
MARS is indicated for the treatment of drug overdose and poisonings. The only requirement is that the drug or chemical be dialyzable (in unbound form) and bound by charcoal and/or ion exchange resins.
MARS is not indicated for the treatment of chronic liver disease conditions or as a bridge to liver transplant. Safety and efficacy has not been demonstrated for those indications in controlled, randomized clinical trials. The effectiveness of the MARS device in patients that are sedated could not be established in clinical studies and therefore cannot be predicted in sedated patients.
The Prismaflex control unit is intended for:
- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) for patients weighing 20 kilograms or more with acute renal failure and/or fluid overload.
- Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) therapy for patients weighing 20 kilograms or more with diseases where fluid removal of plasma components is indicated.
Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.
Vantive, MARS and Prismaflex are trademarks of Vantive Health LLC or its affiliates.
Mitzner SR, Stange J, Klammt S, Peszynski P, Schmidt R. Albumin dialysis using the molecular adsorbent recirculating system. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2001;10(6):777-783.
Hassanein TI, Tofteng F, Brown RS Jr, et al. Randomized controlled study of extracorporeal albumin dialysis for hepatic encephalopathy in advanced cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2007;46(6):1853-1862.
Gambro Lundia AB. Brief Instruction for the MARS (Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System) Treatment Kit. Type 1116/1 – X-MARS US. 2018.