PD Telecare Remote Patient Support Service

How does PD Telecare work?
A dedicated Vantive PD Telecare nurse reviews Sharesource Connectivity Platform alert and alarm trends from Amia and Homechoice Claria APD cyclers to identify whether an enrolled patient needs additional technique or training support.
As training opportunities are identified, a Vantive technical support representative will call the patient with training- and technique-related support.
In parallel, a PD Telecare nurse notifies the patient’s PD clinic nurse of potential clinical issues, and the PD clinic nurse decides on appropriate clinical intervention. The clinic nurse also receives a monthly report summarizing all PD Telecare interactions with their patients.
PD Telecare workflow
Behind-the-scenes monitoring of Sharesource treatment data to improve patient retention.
PD Telecare study
Growing evidence shows that the additional support for both patients and clinicians provided by PD Telecare decreases the number of patients who drop out of therapy in the first 90 days.2
Important Safety Information
Intended Use
The Sharesource portal is intended for use by healthcare professionals to remotely communicate new or modified treatment parameters with compatible dialysis instruments and transfer completed treatment data to a central database to aid in the review, analysis, and evaluation of patients’ historical treatment results. This system is not intended to be a substitute for good clinical management practices, nor does its operation create decisions or treatment pathways.
Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.
Vantive, Amia, Homechoice Claria and Sharesource are trademarks of Vantive Health LLC or its affiliates.
Vantive Health LLC. Data on file.
Vantive Health LLC. Data on file.